Landowners & Land Agents

Over 60 years’ experience working with the private and public sector
Whether you’re a landowner looking to sell or a land agent working on their behalf, we can present you with the best purchasers' from the affordable housing sector. We’re deeply embedded in a wide network of Housing Associations and councils, supporting their new business and development teams to purchase land opportunities. We also work with Housing Associations and Councils who are disposing of land assets and can identify viable land sites to grow your business opportunities.
Choose from the options below to learn more about how we can help Landowners & Land Agents:
The go-to company for early opportunities
Conducting Financial Viability Assessment and research reports for affordable housing allows us to open discussion with landowners on how we can marry our contacts with their land and joint working exit strategies.
Adding value to the brokering process
We take a proactive and collaborative approach to brokerage. Putting together best value land and build package deals, utilising our close contacts with Contractor Developers and partnering with Housing Associations or Councils to meet their development acquisition programmes.
Certainty and clarity for buyers
Our early involvement enables us to facilitate acquisition and exit strategies prior to planning – this is attractive for many clients looking to remove risk from their developments. As practitioners of development and leading land acquisitions, we know the risks, pitfalls and opportunities of the acquisition and disposal process. Accordingly, we are excellently placed to successfully complete land transactions, mitigate risks, and manage timelines and stakeholders.
Industry recognised and accredited
Our award-winning team at Red Loft is recognised by professionals in the housing industry for our specialist understanding and customer service.